Monday, February 20, 2012

Groundhog's Day

So I finally got it together to have the boys make predictions for Groundhog's Day.  It seems to me that this holiday just creeps up on us.  I was very prepared this year.  We began with a KWL and my class came up with some good things they wanted to know.  The hunt for answers began.  We learned what they really look like, how often they are right with their predictions (wrong 69% percent of the time so they are right 31% of the time.), how many babies they have, and more.  Then we made our predictions and graphed the results.  Most of the class predicted the groundhog would see his shadow, and he did!

For homework, the class was asked to imagine they had their own "burrow."  They had to "decorate it" and then describe it in writing.  I had found the sample on pinterest.  It was a very successful.  One of the boys actually said, "I loved that homework last night.  See photos attached.

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