Thursday, December 19, 2013

Holiday goods

I have been somewhat neglectful with my blog here.  It is not exactly the way to keep my followers and I apologize.

We have been busy.  We made have made counting Christmas trees, the boys adored.  Photo coming.
We made ornaments, courtesy First Grade Blue Skies.  They came out really great and by class loved the bulletin board display.  We used scrap booking paper, fancy scissors (the ones that make different design like scallops and more), gems, and glitter.  Who doesn't like a little glitter?  Photo also coming.

We made adorable pictures with our room parents (found on Pinterest).  Great gift for the parents.

"Love Never Melts" - so cute.  Their handprints are transformed into snowmen. 

We made ornaments.  Kindergartners just have to make something with their photos.
Wish I remember where but somewhere I saw a gingerbread man... with a photo of the student for the face. I used that "Model Magic" by Crayola.  It is simple "clay" that you can mold into anything and then paint or color with markers.  It comes in individual packets or in bulk.  I had a supply of white.
So I rolled out the dough and cut out soldiers with a cookie cutter and a small tree.  I used a straw to make the hole for the ribbon hanger and foam sheets for the backing.  The face was cut out with a small cup and I glued their cute little faces into place, and the boys were eager to color.

Then we made our own wrapping paper.  It was amazing.  The used rubber stamps and markers.  I showed them how to make plaids, stripes, and other patterns.  They really got into it.
We used holiday stickers instead of tape and added green yarn as the ribbons.  The final touch were tags that said "Fragile - Handle With Care" and attached them with little pieces of pipe cleaners.
Mission Complete.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

We remember Sandy Hook!

Sandy Hook, the students, the teachers, the families, the town,  
we are all thinking of them this week and especially today.

To honor their memory, we will be encouraging random acts of kindness.  We have been counting down the days until our Christmas break.   Here are our plans for the week:

Monday *We will make holiday decorations and hang them 
(quietly tip toe.. and hang them when no one can see us.)
Tuesday *Make holiday cards and put them in mailboxes for our custodian and other teachers.  
The cards will bear only the name of the receiver - not the giver.
Wed. *We will make special decorations for the kitchen staff and hang it up before they come in.
Thursday *We will let someone go ahead of us in line.
Friday *We will ask someone to play who we do not usually play with.

So join in with teachers everywhere in committing 
random acts of kindness to show our love for Sandy Hook.

Thanks to Greg from Smedley's Smorgasboard  for putting this link together.

Feel free to use the image above and share it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and wherever you can.  Email it to all of your co-workers, friends and family.  Spread the word. 

As you share on social media, please use the hashtag #love4SH to spread the word and fuel a movement.